Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Age | 50-54 |
Implant | Mentor MemoryGel |
A nice 50 year old lady requested facial plastic surgery. When she came to see me, she and I discussed facelift and eyelid lift surgery. She mentioned that over the years, she noticed how her eyelids made her look more and more tired. She looked aged and she did not like this at all. She did not like the excess skin and the bags under the lower eyelids and did not like the heaviness in the skin of the upper eyelids. She had a comprehensive facial rejuvenation surgery which included upper and lower cosmetic eyelid surgery, a facelift, fat injections to the laugh lines and cheeks, and liposuction of the neck. The before and after photos of eyelid surgery are taken 3 months after surgery.
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