Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Age | 30-34 |
Implant | Mentor MemoryGel |
Here is the liposuction before and after photos for a 25 year old lady from Scottsdale, Arizona. She was referred to me by a previous cosmetic surgery patient. She requested liposuction of the tummy, hips and thighs. She also requested saline breast implants. She was working out very hard, but did not see any change in the amount of fat in those areas. On examination before lipo, she was 5 feet 2 inches and 115 pounds, had excellent skin tone and medium size fat pockets which could be treated with liposuction. She had her cosmetic surgery at a local Arizona plastic surgery center and recovered very nicely. We performed her lipo removing 1.95 liters of unwanted fat from the tummy, hips and thighs. She was back to work in 3 days. She also mentioned that her waistline is much smaller and has confidence because of her new figure.
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