Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Age | 40-44 |
This is a very pleasant lady, 44 years old from North Scottsdale, Arizona who came to our medical office requesting several plastic surgery operations. She consulted with me at my Scottsdale, Arizona cosmetic surgery center and discussed her priorities. She explained her dissatisfaction with a flabby tummy, stubborn fat pockets, and her flat buttocks. She was familiar with plastic surgery, but chose me because I was highly recommended by one of her closest friends to perform buttock augmentation and tummy tuck surgery, a type 4 mommy makeover. She told me that despite her diet and exercise regimen, her tummy continued to bother her, and her buttocks had always been very flat, small and deflated, and her fat pockets would not go away. She wanted a procedure which would create a tight and flat tummy and allow for a bigger buttocks. I recommended a mommy makeover type 4, which would include tummy tuck, lipo of the body and thighs and Brazilian butt lift. Her cosmetic surgery was performed at a local Arizona plastic surgery center. She had 4 liters of unwanted fat removed from her body using gentle liposuction, and I injected 750 cc of fat into her buttocks. The fat injections were carefully performed in order to increase her buttock size, but also to fill in the depressions on the outside of the buttocks. She had a tummy tuck to tighten the muscles and the loose skin. The results of the surgery are shown in the before and after photos taken 3 months after her tummy and buttock plastic surgery.
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