Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Age | 18-24 |
Implant | Mentor MemoryGel |
Profile | Moderate Plus |
A nice 21 year old woman from Scottsdale, Arizona was referred to my medical office by her friend who was also a previous patient in my plastic surgery center. She requested liposuction of the tummy, bra rolls, and hips and inner thighs. She told me that she was in excellent shape and that there was no need for a tummy tuck, because she was not done having children yet. On examination, she had good skin tone, although a little flabby and had some medium size fat pockets which could be treated with liposuction. She had her lipo at a local Arizona plastic surgery center. We performed her lipo while removing 4.5 liters of unwanted fat from the bra rolls, tummy, hips and inner thighs. Her recovery was quick and she experienced little discomfort. Her before and after photos were taken 3 months after surgery.
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